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Clark Andersen 

I’m relatively new to pottery, and was introduced to it several years ago by Renee Lindquist in a summer wheel-throwing class.  I emerged from the class feeling the need for a lot of practice, so I went on to buy my own wheel, then a kiln, then a better wheel, and generally spent a lot of time studying pottery videos (I’ve learned a lot from Hsinchuen Lin) and books and practicing.  After some years of trial-and-error and experimentation, I acquired some competence with the wheel and began to converge on my own style of pottery, which continues to evolve. 

I predominantly focus on functional ware such as mugs, tumblers, bowls, and even cat dishes, but often with decorative elements such as inscribed surfaces or applied features; I aim for ware which is comfortable to use and interesting to look at. I appreciate clean lines, and have moved away from showing a visible foot on my pieces, preferring the sides to converge smoothly to the base.  I also enjoy creating carved vases which contrast the interior and exterior and may double as a lamp.

I’ve had careers in the Air Force, as a math teacher, a software developer of 3D simulations, and currently a biostatistician.  Together with a lifetime enjoying the outdoors, ranging from lounging in a hammock to hiking and canoeing, all of this background undoubtedly coalesces into my pottery efforts.



C.Andersen 2023
Clark Andersen (8)
Clark Andersen (7)
Clark Andersen (6)
Clark Andersen (5)
Clark Andersen (1)
Clark Andersen (3)
Clark Andersen (2)
Clark Andersen (4)

Saltgrass Potters  P.O. 2794  League City, 77574-2794

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